Final Thumbnail Designs

 Finished Thumbnail Designs

These are my finished thumbnail designs. Overall, I believe the level of contrast, line weighting and
designs are of required quality to use as a basis for an A3 creative piece.

In the top left thumbnail, I experimented with a perspective railing and a directional outside shadow.
As the fire was added as an additional final element, the brightness of the yellow inside could not be correct due to pervious shading.

Below was my first experiment with extreme depth. Here I used value and contrast to separate objects in the background from each other. I believe, however, better contrast with the use of darker and lighter buildings could be applied.

Further below was the my first experiment with a point light, here I used a dark gloom to overshadow the whole environment and added a lantern in the center to light up the surroundings.
I added detail to the tiles to simulate contact shadows. I believe this was applied well but the wall shadows and tiling could be improved.

Finally in this column is my first natural environment experiment. Here I attempted to simulate the inside of a cave, using a variety of different shadow components such as a penumbra. I attempted to simulate the soft lighting of a morning environment, this resulted with minimal bounce lighting but a strong center light. Overall, I believe the stalactites could have much better proportions and values to simulate depth, but the lighting experiment was a success.

Firstly on the right column was my attempt to combine 2 point lights, perspective railing and tiling all into one picture. Considering its complexities I believe this thumbnail was an overall successful design which, however, lacks detail in the background. The first point light is positioned half way off the page in the foreground. While the second point light is position inside the building illuminating the sack and railing.

Next in the column was my most successful thumbnail, this thumbnail was my attempt to combine a rained on gloomy environment, perspective railings, tiling and direction shadows.
The reflective ground and ruined bridge was a successful but difficult composition.

Below was my attempt at a 3/4 perspective top down view on a graveyard scene.
This combined the use of the house from my first thumbnail, directional lighting, some tiling in the form of a broken wall and finally some track marks in the mud leading upwards.
While compositionally I believe this thumbnail was a success, the execution in the shadow direction and strength in those values needs work.

Finally, in this thumbnail I have decided to use for my creative piece. It demonstrates most of my key learnings from creating these thumbnails. tiling, direction lighting with multiple light windows and a form of perspective railing above. This was my choice for my creative piece because I believe it highlights my strengths from my thumbnails the best.


For all these thumbnails, I used a collection of references from the "souls-like" genre and also real life Victorian dark architecture. Below is a couple reference images I used to creative these thumbnails:


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