Painting Creative Piece
Overall, I believe this piece was a success. I attempted to recreate a combination of some of Claude Monet's work using a CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) modern color palette. Originally, I intended to use a triad of colors featuring Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta as my primaries. However, while painting, I became immersed in the creation of the sea and clouds, and I believe this piece suits a double primary palette better than a triad. The addition of the double primary palette enhances the overall effect of the artwork. The yellow-orange lights on the buildings breathe life into what would otherwise be a dull and eerie scene. These vibrant hues provide a striking contrast against the darker elements, creating a captivating visual interplay. Meanwhile, the use of blue and cyan tones for the sea and clouds adds a moonlit ambiance, evoking a sense of calm and tranquility. These colors lend a dreamlike quality to the piece. Ultimately, I decided not to use magenta on the trees in the foregr...